Throughout the year, the children are very involved in music in various ways:
General Music Class: Here they learn basic theory, how to warm-up, and practice singing the songs & hymns in preparation for Thursday Mass & Friday Adoration. This takes place on Tuesdays.
Choir: Children can participate in choir. Here they will expand their repertoire and learn sacred chant, traditional hymns, and contemporary music. In choir, the children will pay close attention to their voices and how it sounds independently and how it sounds in a group setting. They will learn how to blend with their surroundings whether in unison or in harmonies. The children will prepare for any upcoming concerts and will be singing every 2nd Sunday of the month at the 9am Mass.This takes place on Mondays.
Lessons: We started offering lessons for the following instruments: piano, guitar, flute, cello, voice, and this year, we are adding drums. The children choose 1 instrument they want to learn and they will participate in group/individual lessons 1x a week to learn their instrument and then be given other opportunities throughout the week to practice their instrument.
Mass: The children sing the songs they’ve learned and practiced at Mass. Some children will be given the role of “music helper” and will help choose songs for that week, announce the songs, and lead the congregation in song. This takes place on Thursdays.
Adoration: Here the children learn singing AND silence. That music can be silent, quiet, and still. They really learn how to blend because of the atmosphere and reverence it requires and there’s no other way but to participate. Quote from our director, Maria: “I’ve seen time and time again children, who were usually too shy to sing in front of the whole class, sing their heart out for the Lord at Adoration". This takes place on Fridays.